Flight N°2: Parallel flights in the Athabasca Oil Sands
For the 2nd flight in Canada, we headed to the Athabasca Oil Sands, a major source of methane emissions in Canada. Especially, we had the opportunity to coordinate our flight with NASA’s AVIRIS-NG (Airborne Visible InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer), which flew over the area the same day.
Edmonton, 11.08.2022
Click title to show track
HALOSuper King Air (US) carrying AVIRIS-NG
2 airplanes, 2 patterns:
Get a closer look to these oil sands:

While HALO is flying, the team on ground is planning together with the rest of the team in Oberpfaffenhofen the next flights in the hangar offices.
On the way back of this 2nd flight, we were offered a nice view of Edmonton and finally HALO pulls into the hangar!
After this flight, a ground day is planned for Halo and all the team to start again in the direction of Mackenzie Delta for the 3rd flight if the weather conditions allow it!
Take care!