Flight N°5: Second measurement flight over the Peace-Athabasca Delta and the Athabasca Oil Sands

On the 18th August we flew over domains that have already been flown over in order to validate data. Indeed, on August 10th, we had already passed over the Athabasca Oil Sands (Link to the post) and over August 17th, over the Peace River Delta (Link to the post).

Edmonton, 20.08.2022

  • First, take a walk in HALO to discover our instruments and meet our operators
  • Activate the volume to get an impression of the sound level inside the aircraft
  • Some additional impressions from inside HALO
  • The Peace-Athabasca Delta
  • The Athabasca Oil Sands
  • A wildfire next to our measurement area
  • Dive into the smoke of the wildfire and see how it wobbles inside the plane when flying in the atmospheric boundary layer to collect samples!

  • Unfortunately, one of the pilots fell ill and we are staying down for a few days. While wishing him a good recovery here are some more beautiful shots of the landscape flown from HALO.